Learn to Sew!
Each student will need a few standard sewing supplies. We are happy to shop for you if you would like us to provide these things for your student. We will provide a receipt and you may reimburse us prior to the class.
Each class is $40.00 plus materials fee of $15 (students take all materials home). Don't let these class needs stop you from coming- we have supplies & can loan them. Eventually, your little sewer will need these things. If you have them now, great- if not, just let us know.
(email: tammy@thecurtainplayhouse.com).
Sat, Oct 21
Sew Your Own Pillowcase, 10:30-12:30
For beginner sewers, lots of straight lines on this simple
project. Fun to give as gifts or even wrap packages in!
Students will bring home a finished project and learn
basic sewing skills. $40 + $15 materials fee
Hair We Go!- 10:30-12:30
Nov 11
How to make hair ties and headbands- the goal today will be to turn out as many
of these as each sewer can- sew simple! $40 + $15 materials fee
Cats & Dogs!, 10:30-12:30
Come make a jacket for your favorite cat or dog. $40 + $15 materials fee
Nov 21
Dec 27
Make Your Own Monster, 10:30-12:30
Come make a jacket for your favorite cat or dog.
$40 + $15 materials fee
**Photos are examples of designs only & were not developed by The Curtain Playhouse
What do I need?
sewing machine in good working order (and sewing machine manual)- please no "kid's" machines
iron and ironing board or pad
sewing scissors
tape measure
straight pins
seam ripper
one package of assorted size Universal sewing machine needles